Travel & Entertainment Expenses

Analytics Tests

Although these expenses may not be financially significant, many organizations continue to analyze them to maintain "tone at the top".




Analyze Your T&E using these Analytics Tests

Click to read through the tests details


Technical Insights

Data Quality Management

There are several simple steps you can take to test your data's quality. Ideally, this should be done immediately after defining a file in Arbutus Analyzer and before beginning your analysis.

Read the article to learn about running  analytical tests in Arbutus that will allow you to document the results in the Command Log. It's a best practice to use a script to execute your tests and have the script direct the results to an output file. This can become part of your workpapers to demonstrate that the tests have been performed.

Read now

Data Quality Management - Content Jpeg

On-Demand Webinar

When is Duplicate not a Duplicate

Arbutus Analyzer’s versatile functionality enables even new users to detect possible duplicate payments, vendors sharing similar addresses among themselves or with your organization’s employees, and counter parties who may be on government watch lists. 

Watch this webinar to learn about:

  • Identifying possible risks
  • How to deploy Analyzer commands and functions

Arbutus Webinar - Watch now

Detect Duplicates - Arbutus Analyzer Post

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